
Our Story

It all started with a napkin…

Task Force Change™ came about from the mind of our Founder, Mike, who has many years of doing ultra endurance events all with the goal of raising money for various charities. Over the years, many of Mike’s friends asked him for advice on how to do their own fundraisers and Mike thought Task Force Change™ was the best way to provide others the ability to challenge themselves, help others, and fix something; all in an inclusive community format. 


Who We Are


Mike, Founder & President

A former Marine and graduate of the US Naval Academy, Mike has previously served within the US government, run a fitness and coaching business, and, most recently, can be found working in the nonprofit sector focussing on serving veterans and their families. He has completed quite a few ultra-endurance events and challenges, all of which has been tied to charity. To date, Mike has raised over $650,000 for charity and has a lifetime goal to reach $1 million dollars raised. 

Favorite City in the World: Prague, Czech Republic
Favorite Sport to Do: Cycling
Favorite Hobby: Telemark Skiing
Favorite Quote: “Whenever I'm about to do something, I think, 'Would an idiot do that?' And if they would, I do not do that thing." -Dwight Schrute

Crystal, COO & CFO

What started as working in television led to a career producing events for some of the biggest names and networks around the world, including the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Crystal is currently pursuing her MBA as a Navy military spouse, living overseas in Okinawa, Japan.

Favorite City in the World: Kyoto, Japan
Favorite Sport to Do: CrossFit…seriously, it’s a sport!
Favorite Hobby: Paddleboarding
Favorite Quote: “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”